Who We Are?

Company Profile

Ambassador Education & Travel Hub is Punjab Based Company which is established in 2011; has experience in Study Abroad and Immigration Industry. But the companies managing director is in Education Trade since 2002 and then in latter 2011 he established his own Company. The Company’s Managing Director Mr. Lakhvinder Pal Singh has done a certificate course of Career Counseling from University of California Riverside for better guiding the student Clients. The company learns the client’s psychometric nature and guides the client according to the needs of exceptionally quality and dynamic approach. The company has extremely acute Acumen in positive psychometric assessment of the student clients. The company possesses a unique knowledge of immigration rules, policies, and guidance which successfully combines with a pragmatic legal approach for better visa success rate.

Ambassador Education & Travel Hub found with the aims to provide genuine guidance and right pathway to our clients by assisting them with visa requirements to various destinations.

Mr. Lakhvinder Pal Singh (M.D.)


Our company’s vision is to make the company big with their satisfied clients and references and to serve the client in best way we can. We have played an important role in satisfying the clients for past few years. We not only believe making a numbers of clients but making satisfied client who will remember our dedicated approach at every stage and will maintain a long and renowned business relationship.

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